sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

where to hide

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Vintage roses

hi!, for the first time in weeks i finally took some shots ^^
in the pic above you can see what i used for background
one of my tops (<3) hair accesories, a flower, a print of one of my photos
and few of my earings
oh, and natural light from my bedroom window :3

the rose earing(s) kept on falling <.<

i don't know why but i'm in love with the vintage style lately
here's the general panorama

my hair clip :3
it was really useful actually

one of my rose earings
they're so small and beautiful

and now some of the final shots


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

puerto vallarta

bokeh clouds :3

love for pink roses

and a blue one <3

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

"a scent and a song"
second drawing of the 2011
the dress took me a long time XB
time elapsed: 7 hours
tools of the trade: paint tool sai & wacom intuos 4

*reference for the eyes and mouth

lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

christmas and snow

this christmas, just like the last year i spent it with my family in the hard rock cafe in Mexico city. it was really nice and the food was good, in here you can see a photo of my baley's coffee wich was hot and tasty :3

we left before midnight ´cause we arrived way too early but it was a nice moment, i really like the decor of the place.


yesterday we went back to Mexico city, firs we visited Antara to see the snow, while we were waiting we went to the starbucks for a coffee and i started taking a few bokeh pics :3

Antara always looks so beutiful this time of the year :3

and there was the "snow" since we don't have snow we have to fake it hahaha
it was soap actually, it made us all cof, dunno why. it was really nice, we all enjoyed it very much

and a few shots of snow*


After that we went to a different mall, interlomas. it also looked very beautiful with blue lights and decor.

we went there to see Tron in the platinum cinema
we saw Tron =D it was nice :3
oh and i orderer a mexican pizza wich was so lil' but very tasty, i loved it too

it was a really nice sunday.